Tag: breastfeeding

Nurse on, Mama

When my son was born, one of the things that I was sure about was that I wanted to breastfeed. I wasn't sure how...

High Five to the Formula Feeding Moms

Dear Formula Feeding Mom, First off, you can let your guard down, because I’m not going to lecture you.  I know it seems like every...

The Voice

"You're STILL nursing?" "Are you planning to wean him before preschool?" "Aren't you worried he'll never want to give it up?" I've been providing the same answer...

I Hate My Pump (And Why I Continue To Torture Myself)

For some reason, I always knew I would try to breastfeed when I had a baby. Like, since I was a kid I knew...

Breastfeeding Advice to Ignore

Everyone seems to have an opinion about breastfeeding, whether they want you to do it, want you to do it differently, or want you...

The “Joys” of Pumping at Work

Every new nursing mom has to pump at some point.  Whether it is because your baby has a bad latch or you want to...

Help! My baby won’t take a bottle!

New mom in the corner over here today. I had big plans to write a post on how to travel internationally with an infant,...