Tag: parenthood

A Working Mom’s Letter to Her Kids

Dear Kids, You see me working a lot – my office is at our house, so how could you not? When you set up your...

When it’s Too Cold Outside

Every year I get excited about the first snow flurries and the first BIG snow of the season.  I love seeing the yard covered...

Survival Guide to the First Year of Parenthood

I can’t believe that my first child will be one year old in a few short weeks. In a sense it feels like the...

10 Things Your Working Mom Friend Wants You to Know

Being a mom is never easy, no matter how you do it. Staying home, working from home, or working outside the home – they’re...

The Joys of Having an “Above-Average” Sized Family

By today’s standards my family is above-average in size. I would go so far as to say we have a big family, but the...

Motherhood: The Ride

New mama, you are about to begin the ride of your life. Right now you still might be in shock that this is happening....

Love Those Crazy Kids

Some blog posts are full of great advice, tips, and tricks. This is not one of those.  I don't have amazing advice or magic...

Dear Daughter: Why I’m Tired

Dear Daughter, I’ve seen you noticing lately. My droopy eyes. My hunched shoulders. My long, heavy sighs. You curl up next to me during bedtime...

What I Don’t Do

A few months ago, I invited my cousin and her son over for dinner at our house.  I can't remember what I made (maybe...

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better | A “He...

New parents these days are bombarded with information about raising children. From bottles to breasts, cribs to co-sleeping, and organic homegrown to processed store-bought,...