Nope, today’s post is NOT about pirates! We are pleased to welcome our wonderful, gardening-mama guest blogger Megan, who is sharing a simple little activity you could do with your children now, to see the beautiful results later! Your kids will love it!
The crunch of fall leaves underfoot is your cue that it is time to think spring. I know what you’re thinking…really, spring? Yes, this is the perfect time to bury a few bulbs between the shrubs near your front door or on the outskirts of your patio—anywhere that you’ll need a little bit of cheer after a long, cold Iowa winter.
One of the most kid-friendly garden plants, spring-flowering bulbs are a joy to plant alongside your wee ones. Simply dig a large hole as deep as recommended for the type of bulb you are planting—5 to 8 inches deep is sufficient for most tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths. Plunk the bulbs in the hole so their pointy side is facing up. Space the bulbs 4 to 6 inches apart. Fill the planting hole with soil and water well. Your work is done.
The bulbs send up green foliage in early spring, and a couple of weeks later glorious blooms appear. The delight when the little treasures pop up in the spring is a sure-fire pint-size wonder moment. Revel in the splendor of nature!
Check your local garden center for a wide selection of bulbs. There are several good online sources too. My favorite online retailers for quality bulbs at a fair price are Brent and Becky’s Bulbs and John Scheepers. Enjoy!
Megan Hughes lives and gardens on a farm in eastern Iowa, which she shares with her husband, their two young daughters, two Labs, one cat, and 14 chickens. They are all looking forward to welcoming a new little brother in November. A horticulturist and a writer, Megan loves to share the joy of digging in the dirt. From planting edible gardens to building garden sheds, she covers all aspects of garden living for a multitude of publications, including Better Homes and Gardens and Country Gardens.