Every year I have an abundance of jalapenos, bell peppers, banana peppers, garden salsa peppers, and red bell peppers, even if I only plant 1 plant of each! I have given some away, feed some to our chickens and...
Should I buy organic? Does it matter? Is it worth the extra cost? If I can't afford to buy everything organic, how do I choose which foods to splurge on and which ones to save on?
The Environmental Working Group creates...
Sauerkraut. When I think of this delicious food, my mouth starts to water. I’ve always been a fan of sauerkraut. Even when I was little one of my favorite meals included sauerkraut, which was pork ribs covered in sauerkraut...
We are deep in the midst of summertime, and if you are a gardener that means one thing...your summer squash plants are exploding!
Summer squashes are different from their more heartier winter cousins in that they are harvested when their skins are...
Growing up in the desert, I was surrounded by interesting looking plants. Most of them looked half dead, but they were unique and beautiful. After moving away from the desert I’ve developed an appreciation for the desert plants. I’ve...
Spring is here. The weather is getting warmer. The grass is getting greener. My Pinterest boards are filling up with landscape design and gardening tips. There is just one problem: my thumb is brown.
I love the idea of a...
Nothing says summertime like freshly-picked fruits and vegetables. We all know that tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and all manner of other produce tastes best when they are in season and picked as close as possible to when they are eaten. ...
We accidentally planted 40 tomato plants. That’s not a typo. Forty. It started off innocently enough. When the ground was still snow-covered and the creek was still solid, we were dreaming of spring and yearning for warmth and the...
Hands down, the biggest perk of living in Iowa is the irreplaceable homegrown sweet corn. Amiright? With sweet corn stands on nearly every corner we are stocking our fridge (and freezer, if I muster up the ambition) with all the...
I hate nature! There, I said it! Which makes what I am about to say next truly wonderful.
We moved into our home this past February during a huge snowstorm. Now that the snow has melted and the weather is...