Sometimes as a mom I get the feeling that I don’t fit into the “typical” mom category. Whenever I am asked, “What was your pregnancy like?” I laugh, since my pregnancy and delivery was a total of three hours from...
I would like to take a minute to dedicate this article to the amazing nurses and hospital staff at St. Luke’s Birthing Center, as well as Dr. Orr and Dr. Pickering of OB GYN Specialists in Cedar Rapids. My husband...
Today you are ten weeks and two days old, and today is the last day of my maternity leave. As I mentally prepare to head back to work – taking care of other people’s sick children – I feel...
Have you ever been in a club? Usually you know something about the club…what it’s all about, its goals, the activities, the responsibilities, maybe even some members or officers. You would never join a club on the spur of...
Good afternoon Iowa City moms! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Robin Boudreau…and I too am an Iowa City Mom.  In addition to being a medical sales rep for Medtronic and a hobby photographer, I am...
There I was, sitting alone on the toilet in our master bathroom, trying to avoid glancing over at the thin little stick sitting on the counter.  One minute passed, then two.  After three full minutes I dared to pick...
November: the beautiful month full of life’s little pleasures. You can watch squirrels so diligently gather and hide acorns for the winter, see wild turkeys majestically strut across the empty fields, and see children’s sweet breath as they run...

When Miracles Happen

It should have been my baby’s 1st birthday. But it wasn’t. There was no birthday cake, no balloons, no party. Just me, feeling sad about what could have been, what should have been. I’d lost that baby more than...


October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Until recently I’ve been telling people that I lost a son. I don’t say it much, mind you, because it is not something that easily comes up in conversation. However, when the...
Big babies run in my family. My sister and brother were both close to ten pounds when they were born, and I was the “little” one at 8 pounds 10 ounces. My husband also was a good size baby...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide