As the mom of four very active little people, I often find that our days are full of places to be and things to do. This is probably the reason I have calendars and schedules taped up all over the house, but that’s another story for another day. Right now my oldest two children are each playing two different sports (t-ball/softball and soccer) as well as school and dance. On top of the kids playing sports, I somehow got talked into coaching.
I currently have four coach shirts sitting at the foot of my bed. FOUR! What was I thinking?!? A typical week for us goes something like this:
Monday: Soccer game and Soccer practice (two different teams at two different times)
Tuesday: T-Ball and Softball games
Wednesday: BREATHE
Thursday: Dance
Friday: T-Ball and Softball games
Saturday: Soccer game
If all of that isn’t crazy enough I also have to add in there grocery shopping, cleaning the house, dropping the kids off and picking them up at school, exercising, and keeping up with life in general. Most days by about 8:00 I’m ready to pass out. Sometimes I really feel like I need to take a step back and just breathe.
When I do take a step back and look at things, I realize that I like the crazy. It helps time pass more quickly. It helps our family take our minds off the fact that Dad isn’t always around or available to join in the fun. My husband is currently in the middle of an Anesthesia residency at UIHC. That requires him to work long hours, and sometimes it makes it so that he has to miss the kids’ activities. Being able to coach my kids’ teams helps me feel like my kids aren’t missing out on having a parent coach their team or be at all of their activities. My dad was always my coach when I was younger, and it made playing that much more fun. I know that my husband would love to be the coach, and since he can’t, I will. When he does get some free time to come and watch the kids play, it’s special and the kids are so excited, and they play their hearts out for their dad.
Do you ever feel spread a bit too thin? What do you do about it?