With baby no. 3 due this fall we are working away on the to do list. Next on our list is getting ready to feed this sweet babe. After learning the hard way that I was unable to produce milk, I’ve acquired some good tips and tricks to formula feeding babies and want to share those with you!
10 Formula Feeding Hacks
Get the Right Gear
Besides formula you’ll need bottles, a bottle brush, a formula dispenser and a dishwasher rack basket.
Pick a Brand and Stick with It
I used Target’s brand formula and Medela bottles for both my kids and loved them and plan to use them again with my third.
Save Money
Even if you aren’t having a baby shower, start a registry for the discount you get a few months before babe is born. Target offers this and every few months they have spend $100 on baby items and you get a $30 gift card back! Finally, you can ask your doctor’s office or hospital for samples or if you are in need there are community resources that may be able to help!
Read the Label
No matter what formula you chose, read the label to be sure you are preparing it correctly. This includes washing your hands, using sanitized bottles and nipples and confirming how much water to how many scoops of formula to use each time.
Feed on Demand
For some terrible reason, with my first, I was told to only feed the baby x amount every x hours. After too long of listening to my baby scream we fed on demand, and he was never better. As for my second, we did the same and had no issues. In general, newborns will eat 8–12 times a day, or every 2–3 hours.
To prevent painful gas or spitting up, most of the bottle stop feeding your babe halfway through and burp. This was especially important for my newborn babes.
Don’t Warm Bottles
We use room temperature water, so if we are ever on the go and don’t have access to a warmer, the baby will still take their bottle. My husband even made them a little too cold for my taste . . . but there was never an issue of them taking it.
Prep Night Bottles Before Bed
Set up a feeding station with formula already in the bottle and water ready to pour close by so you can mix quickly when babe wakes!
On the Go Bottles
For on the go feeding, prep bottles the same way and have formula ready to pour from your dispenser. They do have single packets or liquid formula available but they’re pricey.
Track feedings
Especially at first it’s good to know how often and how much they’re eating. This will be really important too when you leave baby with a sitter the first time.