Three years ago I became a mother and welcomed into my life a very precious and uplifting little bundle of joy. No, I’m not talking about my daughter (although she, too, is a precious bundle of joy that is...
Are you like me - do you love the holidays? I am a total sucker for Hallmark Christmas Movies, festive music on the radio, holiday lights and decorations, and basically all things red & green! We are lucky to...

When it’s Too Cold Outside

Every year I get excited about the first snow flurries and the first BIG snow of the season.  I love seeing the yard covered in a white sparkly blanket.  That untouched beauty lasts for about 5 seconds before dogs...
Are you unsure if your child is understanding what you say to them? Do you worry about how their language skills are developing?  We are thrilled to have Sarah Sitzmann sharing some expertise on the blog today! Sarah is a Speech-Language Pathologist...
Spring has finally arrived and soon we will be feeling the warmth of the sun (hopefully more consistently than 1-2 days a week), while being surrounded by colorful flowers and listening to the laughter that fills the air as...

Flying High in the Sky

So my husband and I recently had the pleasure of traveling, by plane, with our two-and-a-half-year-old toddler. I should mention, too, that she has never flown before. Oh yeah, and she’s potty training. During the months leading up to this...
I love any excuse to be festive. Holidays, homecoming, birthdays, anniversaries, theme parties just for the heck of it.... I always have! However, I'm not a big fan of scary stuff.... I never have been! Which makes Halloween a...
Most of us mamas can attest to the zaniness of toddlerhood. Every day is a conflict of emotions, a wild mix of understanding too much or not quite enough. There are extreme highs and more extreme lows. There is...
A few weeks ago, as I was flipping through a parenting magazine, I stumbled across an article entitled "How To Raise A Can-Do Kid." This concept isn't lost on me; it's quite the opposite, in fact. My time as...
The whole thing took less than 10 seconds. We were playing in the basement playroom.  I sat down for a moment and was perusing social media on my phone.  Looking up, I saw my 15-month-old son toddling over towards the...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!