Tag: feeding

Homemade Baby Food: Tips and Tricks

I decided a while ago that I wanted to at least attempt to make baby food for my baby, Henrik. I am a fairly...

Breastfeeding Advice to Ignore

Everyone seems to have an opinion about breastfeeding, whether they want you to do it, want you to do it differently, or want you...

Squoosh by Kids Gourmet {Product Review and Giveaway!}

Last time I touched a bit on the “baby” foods that I’ve been making for Julia. I primarily resort to making our baby food at...

Adventures in Gardening: A Baby Food Garden

Much to my surprise, I have a 7-month old who prefers veggies over fruit.  She can’t get enough green beans, but she gives a...

A Foodie Baby: Smoothies

Back in the day I once wrote a post on how my daughter would not take a bottle. After much trial and error and...

Help! My baby won’t take a bottle!

New mom in the corner over here today. I had big plans to write a post on how to travel internationally with an infant,...