Tag: memories

Coming Home to Iowa City: A Tribute to the Town I...

The University of Iowa is celebrating Homecoming, a week for returning to the city that you once called home. I moved to Iowa City fresh...

Beauty Unseen

This morning, I took a moment to bask in utmost beauty. I was driving to Iowa City as the sun was just peeking its way...


 I'd like to introduce you to the cutest, sweetest baby you'll ever meet (OK, I'm probably a little biased): Henrik Everett. Henrik made his...

I Wonder Where We’ll Hang Our Coats

This fall, I will consider myself one of many, many parents watching their first child embark on the journey of school. My four-year old...

The Blurry Masterpiece of Memory

Dear Baby Boy of Mine, You’re almost 9 months old now, and this is the first letter I’ve written to you since before you were...

Traditional Values in a “Non-Traditional” Family

My family is in the middle of what we loving call “Celebration Week!”  Within one week’s time we celebrate our dating anniversary, our oldest...

Confessions of a Garage Sale Newbie

I held my first garage sale last weekend.  And lived to tell about it. {Enter your congratulations here!} Seriously.  Having a garage sale is...

A Chair, A House, and A Love Story.

In November of 2009, we sold our first home.  We hadn’t lived there too long (just under 2 years), but after having my first...

A Father’s Day Message to Our Husbands

As you all know, Father's Day is coming up on Sunday. So the ladies of Iowa City Moms Blog wanted to take a little...

The Traveling Diaries

We made it! We survived the first long road trip with a baby! There were some ups and downs, but in general it was...