We're excited to announce our next play date: a Piano Storytime with West Music in Coralville! Come join us on Thursday, February 6th at 10:00 a.m. for a fun piano storytime, followed by musical activities and a chance for your...
I love any excuse to be festive. Holidays, homecoming, birthdays, anniversaries, theme parties just for the heck of it.... I always have! However, I'm not a big fan of scary stuff.... I never have been! Which makes Halloween a...
My baby is approaching his first birthday.  Already!!!  I can not believe how fast this year went.  The fastest of my life for sure. Shortly after the baby was born, I shared how things were going for me Adjusting to...
Toddlers...too young for group swim lessons (bless their hearts), but old enough to be curious about the water. That tricky combination could make any parent feel as though they're in aquatic limbo. Luckily there are easy moves you can...

Love Those Crazy Kids

Some blog posts are full of great advice, tips, and tricks. This is not one of those.  I don't have amazing advice or magic words that will make your kids to listen to you. I'm a regular mom with...
As a parent, it’s hard to imagine anyone else loving or taking care of your children as well as you can. Yet, for many families, circumstances or career ambitions require us to be away from our kids for part...
Hooray! We survived the Holidays! All of the recycling from the Christmas toy explosion has been taken away, that Elf is stuffed somewhere in the garage, and the tree is on the curb (or maybe it’s still up…this is a Judgement...
Since having kids, my house is filling up with stuff.  The worst part is, many of the items are easily broken, not so great, or rarely used.  This got me thinking about the more unusual items that I find...
I love to read, and this has been true since I was a child.  I cannot really pinpoint what got me to love reading, but I am pretty sure it was my parents.  When we were kids my parents read...

Now We Carry An EpiPen

I really didn't think my oldest son was allergic to anything.  In two months, he will be 4 years old, so it’s been awhile since I worried about introducing new foods to him. A couple years ago, I had asked...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!