Tag: Friendship

Reconciling the Loss of Friendships As An Adult

“Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.” You may remember that song from your childhood. I know...

I Was Married the First Time I Went on a Blind...

I remember pulling into the Coral Ridge Mall parking lot early. Like an hour early. I didn't want to be *gasp* late, and I...

Finding Our New Community: Advice From an Expat

It has now been a month since our move to Madrid, Spain. We've moved into our home, started our jobs, and our girls have...

9 Steps For Putting A Stop To Bullying | Infographic

Several months ago, I shared the story of my experience with bullies and ways to combat bullying behavior.  With a new school year underway, there...

My Greatest Parenting Wish

My husband and I were sitting in the living room the other night, talking about our day, when our oldest came in and sat...

How Do You Check On a Friend During a Hard Time?

Being a friend to someone going through a difficult time can be tricky. Nobody wants to be that person who brings up a heavy...

6 Reasons to Take a Break From Facebook and 6 Things...

I hesitantly signed up for Facebook when it first became available to non-ivy league schools in 2004. (Who remembers that?!) At the time, I...

Hi Neighbor! How to Love Who You Live By

I grew up in North Liberty. I went to Clear Creek Amana schools and was on the “rural” bus route. This was before everyone...

The Women I Know : A Celebration of Diversity and Strength

We've all heard about so-called "mommy wars," in which mothers argue over the choices they've made, their parenting practices, and deeply held beliefs. Supposedly,...

It Takes a Village: Finding Friendship Through Motherhood

Have you ever heard the phrase, “It takes a village?” Until I became a mom, I never really thought about that phrase or the...