A few weeks back, I wrote my first post in what I am considering to be a brief, hopefully helpful "series" of child speech and language development. For more information on what you should see in your two-year-old, please...
As I've mentioned a time or two in previous posts, I'm a pediatric speech-language pathologist. While I am no expert in speech and language, I make judgement calls each day/week on whether or not kiddos could use some extra...
First, let me start out by saying that I love my daughter more than anything. She is never neglected or knowingly put in harm’s way because of my actions. In fact, on a spoiled scale, she’s probably closer to...
Now that my (not so much of a) baby girl is nearing two, she spends the better part of her days being cute, sassy, funny, and inquisitive...along with testing my limits. I know these days won't last long in...

Book Baby

My daughter is very much a two year old. Complete with tantrums, mood swings, unbelievable energy, and a super crazy imagination. About the only time she will actually sit still for any length of time is when she wants...
As a parent, it’s hard to imagine anyone else loving or taking care of your children as well as you can. Yet, for many families, circumstances or career ambitions require us to be away from our kids for part...
I think my kids are funny.  At the most inappropriate times.  Like when I’m supposed to be a disciplinarian, when I should be teaching them the right way to do things, or when I'm handling a sticky situation –...
It has officially happened, darn it. I unfortunately feel like I can now say I was "that mom" in the store. The one who clearly has either only half a brain or simply no idea how to take a...
We have all seen the tantruming toddler at the grocery store, crying child at the park, and hard-to-calm kiddo at a restaurant and likely thought the same thing...oh, the terrible twos.  I know that I have uttered those words...
Every once in a while my kids trick me into falling for what I’m calling the early morning creep. I need to preface this by saying that my children would make outstanding farmers.  Why, you might ask?  They are all...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!