365 Photo Project

Recently Sara wrote about her really busy toddler.  Well, I have one of those too!  My two year old boy has one speed...FAST!  Our pediatrician said, "well you wouldn't want a lump on a log, would you?"  His comment...

Snack Attack.

Calling all you seasoned Mommas...Advice needed!  My baby boy (okay, he’s my oldest of 3 munchkins, but he will still ALWAYS be my baby!) started his first full days at Kindergarten this week. And yes, his Dad barely made it...

Eleven Months

I don’t know how or when it happened, but we are rounding the corner heading for the straightaway towards one year. What is it about having a “one year old” that makes you feel like your baby really is...
I read a quote online a few weeks ago, it said "Be kind enough not to tell other people's stories, and be brave enough to tell your own".  Just a few words, but it really made me think.  My...
We are so excited to begin a new series on the blog, featuring some amazing local dads!  In our "Daddy Diaries", we will hear from some awesome daddies sharing THEIR side of the story.  Today we welcome Simon, who...
My family is in the middle of what we loving call “Celebration Week!”  Within one week’s time we celebrate our dating anniversary, our oldest daughter’s birthday, our wedding anniversary, and my birthday! It’s a crazy, fun-filled time that we...
The butterflies have started. They flitter here and there, creating waves of nervousness that spreads and breeds anxious thoughts and fears. School starts in a week and our house is flittering. This isn’t our first rodeo. We did the whole first day...
Have you heard of Itzy Ritzy yet?  If not, I apologize for being responsible for your latest addiction, because you are guaranteed to LOVE their products!  Itzy Ritzy offers the cutest baby and toddler products around: car seat covers,...
We had a crazy July in our family and now that August is here and things are calming down we’ve started to re-establish a new evening routine. I think back to those early months with Julia and mornings were...

Back To School CHAOS.

In keeping with the b-t-s (back to school) theme, I thought I’d share with you readers the joy (i.e. woes) of preparing our family for this up-coming school year. Well, in all honesty, I just need to rant. Late last...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!