So, here we are. It’s back to school time with its hot mess of emotions.  There’s excitement. First-day photos. New classes. Fresh backpacks and fresh starts.  There’s worry. Will my kid like her teachers? Make friends? Miss the bus? Take algebra...
With two kids under the age of six, I’m always winging it. Like the other day, when my daughter strutted out the door in head-to-toe leopard print, and my son carefully selected monkey pajamas to wear in public. I...
I'll be the first to say it: planning a pregnancy is not easy.  Our journey of “planning to plan” started three years ago, when I was 22 and my then fiancé, now husband, was 26.  The medicine that I...
  I know it's hard to believe, but yes it is true: my teenager is cell phoneLESS!  I'm going to tell you my top 5 reasons why I stick to my guns of not allowing my son to have a...
Hi, my name is Emily Britt.  I am a 32-year-old wife and mother of three adorable girls.  My husband and I have been married for 10 years.  We have Zoe, 9, Bailey, 5, and Jovie, 10 months; they are full...
“C’mon, Mommy! Don’t be a scaredy cat,” pleaded my almost seven-year-old daughter as we stood at the bottom of the steps to an indoor water slide. “Olivia,” I replied slowly in my most rational voice, “I really don’t feel comfortable...
The transition from 6th grade elementary to 7th grade junior high is probably the most challenging in a student’s academic career—not as traumatic for the parents as the move into kindergarten, but it is close. I’ve seen about 4,000...
Food allergies among children is a growing public health concern in the United States.  I have been a nurse since 2012, and have worked with children of all ages with a number of different conditions.  However, I do not...
Get this: many of our kids will most likely have careers and jobs that don’t even exist yet. Yikes! Sure, some will be teachers, doctors, service men and women (all of which require creativity), but others will have some...
Women love pillows.  I know how dangerous it is to make broad generalizations about women on a blog for women run by women.  Nonetheless, I feel confident in the accuracy of this statement.  Our bed, when perfectly made, holds...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!