Ashley Smalley, MS, RD, LD, Dietician, Mercy Hospital When you're pregnant, you need to eat the right foods. After all, you're supporting a growing life. During pregnancy you'll need lots of extras. That includes extra protein, iron, calcium and folic acid. You’ll...
Since embarking on the surrogacy journey, I have learned how to take on the worst of the worst in critics.   Once I was telling people what my plans were, I never prepared myself for the not-so-very-nice opinions.  I figured...
Hello, summertime! Summer is my favorite season! It's the time to be outdoors from sun up to sun down, spend time on the boat, in the pool, read books on the patio, drink lemonade, and catch fireflies. Summer is also trauma...

My Ph.D., My Self

“As a woman I have no country. As a woman, I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.” --Virginia Woolf  I am what you might call a recovering hot mess, because back in the day (read:...
I never imagined that my first birth story would have landed me in a surgical room when I had my daughter, Anora Lynne. She had been breech for much of the 2nd half of the pregnancy, and for whatever...
Hi, my name is Christina and I’m happy to have the chance to share with you a bit about my homeschooling experience in celebration of American Education Week! How We Decided to Homeschool I grew up homeschooled by a certified teacher,...
I have never had anything in my life handed to me. Things never came easy; I struggled in school, I struggled in my home life, in my relationships & within myself. That being said, all of my struggles taught...

Buried Treasure

Nope, today's post is NOT about pirates!  We are pleased to welcome our wonderful, gardening-mama guest blogger Megan, who is sharing a simple little activity you could do with your children now, to see the beautiful results later!  Your...
Special thanks to our friends at Mercy Iowa City for sharing their stories, advice, and medical knowledge with us.  Today's story comes from Lisa, who is a PA at their office and whose daughter has congenital heart disease. February is...

Grow It: Freeze It

The delicious summer bounty is beginning to arrive. Whether you grow it in your garden or gather it at the Farmer’s Market, summer produce is rolling in and I hope it is rolling in your door! I love how meal...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!