Between the glue sticks and the composition notebooks, we find our fellow moms. We will meet up again in the aisle alongside the colored folders. Together, we help decipher our supply lists and figure out which ones are the...
Grocery shopping. Some of us hate it, some of us can take it or leave it, and some of us secretly enjoy it. I’m one of those that doesn’t really mind the act of grocery shopping. What I dislike the most...
Small Business Saturday is held the Saturday after Thanksgiving to help promote the importance of shopping local during this holidays. This year, it falls on Saturday, Nov. 27. Of course, there are many ways to participate and support local...
My default shopping partner is my 2.5 year old daughter. Since I’m a SAHM, we are together most days and that includes shopping days. And for the most part, shopping with my daughter is an enjoyable experience – I’ve...
I am going on vacation with my husband. YAY! If I let my mind wander, I will dwell on negative things like worrying about the boys while we're gone and all the what-if this? and what-if thats?  I could drive myself crazy...
We are so excited by the amazing response we've gotten to our 1st Annual Iowa City Moms Blog's Readers' Choice Awards! We asked YOU, our lovely readers, to nominate your favorite local businesses in each category.  The businesses with...
I have a confession to make. Target is not my weakness. Oh don't get me wrong, the red target symbol calls to me when I drive by.  I'll admit I've bought one too many cardigans, and that my kids have littered the floor with...
Does anyone else feel like you are NEVER done shopping for your kids’ clothes? My kids are one and three, and every time I think I am set...boom–along comes another need. With the changing seasons and kids who never...
At Iowa City Moms Blog we love supporting local and momtrepreneur businesses! We encourage you to shop local this holiday season too! With that in mind, we've put together a Holiday Shopping Guide to give you some ideas for...
It’s one of the most wonderful times of the year in Eastern Iowa: the start of garage sale season! Below is your list of citywide garage sales across Johnson, Linn, Cedar, Muscatine, Washington, Iowa, and Benton counties. Happy shopping! Second...



To Have and To Hold and Then Let Go: What I...

I’m in the storage room putting away Halloween decorations, the day after Halloween. While in the room, I’m also debating if I should get...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide