When my husband and I were seniors in high school, he took me down to Texas to meet his family.  It only took about two days for me to fall in love with all of them, and to feel at...

Lazy Cooking 101

My husband is the chef of the family. I’m definitely okay with that. Before meeting him, my idea of cooking was salad and Lean Cuisines. I still love a great salad, but I’ve moved away from the food that...
Everyone seems to have an opinion about breastfeeding, whether they want you to do it, want you to do it differently, or want you to stop doing it. Sometimes those opinions are a wealth of helpful knowledge, but other...
Get this: many of our kids will most likely have careers and jobs that don’t even exist yet. Yikes! Sure, some will be teachers, doctors, service men and women (all of which require creativity), but others will have some...
Teaching your kids about money is so important. As a parent, it’s one of our biggest jobs to adequately prepare our kids for their adult lives, and managing money is a huge requirement of adulthood. But it can be...
One Saturday morning, my husband brought my six-year-old daughter home from a morning soccer game. When they got home, she had the door open, ready to hop out of the car. So, he hit the lock button on the...
If you have been following the Iowa City Moms Blog for any amount of time, you have probably caught on to the fact that many of our writers (including myself) are self-proclaimed “barganistas”, “clearance-rack junkies”, “garage sale queens”, etc. ...
My kids’ latest favorites and obsessions seem to come and go like the tides. The exception to this would be my youngest, whose love for “Frozen” may never die. (I'm sure I'm not the only mom wishing they could...
I was giving my little ones a bath late one evening. It had been a particular busy day filled with a long to-do list. I. Was. EXHAUSTED! As I was going over the list in head to make sure...
Miss Kinley is 1 year old and we have officially hit toddlerhood.  Heaven, help me! It seems like kids change so quickly from being babies to being toddlers, and I wonder where the time went?  On the one hand,...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!