Four years ago, during a sleep-deprived lunch date, I told a friend I was going to do a triathlon. My first son was six months old and going to the gym just wasn’t enough motivation. I needed something that...
As a Spanish teacher, I always find it quite humorous when I get new students and ask them their knowledge of Spanish vocabulary.  Cerveza, cinco de mayo, fiesta, tacos, enchiladas, guacamole.  My goal is always to expand this vocabulary,...

Pretty Yellow Flowers

Awww… Spring! The smell of fresh cut grass fills the air. Tulips in every shade and color are in full bloom. The trees are thickening with little green sprouts of baby leaves. A lush spread of beautiful dandelions engulfs...
Decisions, decisions. We made our share of decisions pre-pregnancy:  Where should we build our new house? Where should we go on vacation? Where should we go for dinner? You know, the important stuff. Once the reality of this pregnancy set...

Thoughts On Motherhood

Allison is the friend who I shared my pregnancy with.  We found out we were pregnant with our first children only ten weeks apart; hers was a long and awaited one, while mine was more of a surprise. We...

My Kids Suck

No really, my kids literally suck. I gave birth to a pair of suckers - one a paci lover and the other a thumbsucker. We’ve been battling my eldest’s addiction since before he popped out of the womb. In fact, during...

Trying Out My Green Thumb

Today’s blog post is less about babies and more about nurturing something else…my garden!  I have had a small container garden for a few years, but this is our first summer having a real garden.  Tom and a friend...
When we found out I was expecting again my husband and I began discussing whether or not we would find out the gender of our baby.  With our first baby we decided to be surprised and chose not to...
In the Fall of 2009, my husband and I sold our first home in Wilton, Iowa.  Because we had yet to buy a new home, we moved in with my parents, bringing along our one-year-old son and our dog. ...


When our firstborn was an infant in the winter of 2010, my husband and I had a bad case of cabin fever. In an attempt to cure ourselves, we declared a new snow day tradition: any time there was...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!