As you all know from my recent post about "Escaping to Relaxation" at Massage Heights (at the Iowa River Landing), I enjoy myself a good, relaxing day at the spa.  And we were thrilled to give the same luxurious,...
I am a fat girl. And it’s okay. Like mid 90s Ani said, “I ain't no damsel in distress/and I don't need to be rescued.” I got here all by myself, by leading a fairly sedentary life. And you’d better...
It is a random Thursday afternoon in April, when the Iowa weather is somewhere between sunny skies and a monsoon-style downpour. Since we like to err on the side of caution, my daughter and I are curled up in our...
Between the glue sticks and the composition notebooks, we find our fellow moms. We will meet up again in the aisle alongside the colored folders. Together, we help decipher our supply lists and figure out which ones are the...
My last blog post was all about kicking the kids outside so you could do some spring cleaning. This time, it's our turn to get outdoors! Iowa City has 46 parks. That's a lot of parks. But wait, it...
As with everything else in this crazy year that is 2020, holiday events – and therefore this Iowa City Area Guide to Family Holiday Activities looks a bit different this year. While there are still events that will be...
Even when the weather outside is frightful, taking a drive to see Christmas lights in the Iowa City area can be the perfect, cozy activity to do with your family during the dark evenings of the holiday season. Get...
Truth be told, I LOVE cupcakes. Have you noticed that we are surrounded by cupcake deliciousness in the Iowa City area?!! It seems like cupcakes are everywhere! And they are calling out to my sweet tooth. Anytime I’m in the...
Break out your red, white & blue–it's time to celebrate the land of the free! Independence day has always been a holiday that I cherish, not only for it's obvious significance, but also for it's promise of festive summer...
SAHM, working moms, free-range moms, helicopter moms, granola moms, soccer moms… Society seems to be obsessed with using a few of our identifying characteristics to label us as a specific type of parent and individual, despite the fact that it...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!