If you were following us last year, you may remember all of the ADORABLE little contestants in our "cutest little hawkeye" contest! (If you need a reminder of their cuteness, check out our Facebook album by clicking here.) Well, it's...
I don’t recall ever having plastic eggs for Easter when I was growing up. Maybe there were some filled ones in our baskets, but hunting Easter eggs was always done with real eggs. In fact, I’m sure there are...
Check out our "Moving to Iowa City Guide" and learn everything you need to know, from buying and selling your house, to schools, grocery stores, neighborhoods, and more! Brought to you by The Bails Team at Urban Acres Real Estate.Updated...
Stop. Don’t keep reading until you take a moment to pull out your planner, Google calendar, or bullet journal and put a huge circle (or star, flower, whatever kind of doodle you’d like) around the week of May 7 -...
Spring has spring — sort of. In the next few weeks, it should start to feel more springy in the midwest and with it comes plenty of opportunities to gather with friends and family to celebrate the spring season,...
Who doesn't love Sunday brunch? Our family's recent routine has been to get in a little breakfast before heading to church on Sunday morning, and then come home after Sunday School and make a big meal of pancakes, eggs,...
Are you considering moving to the Iowa City? Are you already a resident of this fabulous place and planning a move to a new area of town in the area?
With the help of The Bails Team at Urban Acres...
Welcome to Iowa City Moms guide to summer camps in the Iowa City area! When school is out for the summer, parents need a safe place for their kids to learn, explore, make memories, and try new things. Of...
When I tell people everything I’ve been through in the last two years, they usually ask how I’m still standing. Some days I can’t believe it myself. But when I reflect on how I have gotten through it all,...
As moms, we can often be really hard on ourselves. We have a never ending to-do list, a million details to keep track of, so many schedules to juggle, and people to care for. Most moms I know aren’t...