Dear Daughter, I’ve seen you noticing lately. My droopy eyes. My hunched shoulders. My long, heavy sighs. You curl up next to me during bedtime snuggles and trace the lines on my forehead with your precious, chubby finger. “Wow, Mom,”...

Whatcha Readin’?

Sometimes, as a writer, I hit that dreaded road block.  You know the one.  Writer's block.  It is no myth, my friends.  It exists.  And it hits you when you least expect it (or at least that's when it...
Sometimes the greatest gifts are the ones that don't cost a thing. My husband and I both prefer quality time together over expensive gifts or material items, but I'd be lying if I said we don't like to open...
A few weeks ago while getting ready for work and daycare on a Tuesday morning I realized that my nearly-four-year-old "big boy" was extra clingy, extra whiny, and overall extra needy. The child who the week before had proudly...
I’ve written before about my issues with Valentine’s Day. It has become a holiday billed as a designated day for couples to assert their love and affection, when in fact we should try and show our love in many...


October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Until recently I’ve been telling people that I lost a son. I don’t say it much, mind you, because it is not something that easily comes up in conversation. However, when the...
One day, probably sooner than later, my three-year-old will begin asking questions like, “Mommy, how did you meet Daddy?” Simple question, right? Except that our love story needs a little editing for a G-rated audience. My love story, adapted for young...
This might be my last “magical” Christmas. What I mean is, my daughter is 8. She believes in the magic. The glorious, maddening, exhausting magic of Santa and reindeers and that annoying little “Elf on the Shelf.” She has the...
I remember the first time I yelled at my daughter.  It was a cold winter’s evening and I was trying to put her to sleep. She was 18 months old. I could hear the dogs in the apartment above...
Back in my hometown, my mom is sometimes called “Saint Bonnie.” While that moniker might get the occasional laugh from her three kids, it’s more true than not. She runs a nonprofit health clinic and is one of the most...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!