Dear Kids, I’d like to tell you the story of how I met your father. Like most stories, this one is full of life lessons. Pay attention—you just might learn something! I was twenty years old when I met your father....
Last week, my oldest son turned 9.  Nine.  To be honest, I never expected 9 to be a hard birthday as his mom.  Watching all four of my babies turn 1 was rough; knowing that I'd never refer to...

Finding the Joy

With the excitement of the holiday buzz, comes the commercialism. It’s the buy, buy, buy mentality of the season. I think Charlie Brown said it best, "Even my dog has gone commercial!" Don’t get me wrong. I like a...
November: the beautiful month full of life’s little pleasures. You can watch squirrels so diligently gather and hide acorns for the winter, see wild turkeys majestically strut across the empty fields, and see children’s sweet breath as they run...

When Miracles Happen

It should have been my baby’s 1st birthday. But it wasn’t. There was no birthday cake, no balloons, no party. Just me, feeling sad about what could have been, what should have been. I’d lost that baby more than...
I remember the first time I yelled at my daughter.  It was a cold winter’s evening and I was trying to put her to sleep. She was 18 months old. I could hear the dogs in the apartment above...
This evening has settled into a quiet one. My two year old daughter is sleeping, my boyfriend is working away in our home office, and I’m planted right in front of the bathroom mirror studying the image that has...
My birthday is coming up. This year will be the 3rd anniversary of my 29th birthday. Translated – I’m turning 31. Last year, celebrating the big 3-0 was a little tough to swallow. It would have been easier had I...
I’ve always known I wanted to be a mother, but there was never a defining moment in my life where I consciously decided that motherhood was in my future.  I always just knew.  I didn’t hesitate to promise my...
When my husband and I found out we were pregnant with kiddo number 1, I was still a mere child myself at only 18 years old. We had a U-Haul packed and were planning to move to a new...



Best Places to See Holiday Lights in the Iowa City Area

Even when the weather outside is frightful, taking a drive to see Christmas lights in the Iowa City area can be the perfect, cozy...

Holiday Movies Bingo!

2024 Holiday Events Guide

Debt Free College Planning