My Christmas Tree Was Hijacked

Babies look so sweet and innocent with their chubby cheeks, perfect skin, adorable little fingers and toes. We are so love struck. We bring them home and let them take over what used to be the office or guest...
Tis' the season once again! This time of year is such a physical and emotional roller coaster for many of us. All of the food, parties, shopping, and family commitments can really take a toll on our bodies and...
If you are like me, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is your favorite time of year. I love all of the togetherness that Thanksgiving brings. From the food and conversation to football games and naps, Thanksgiving is hands-down...

Keeping Things Real {Hairy}

The smell of fall fills the air and temps are not-so-slowly dropping. Even though fall allergies always had a way of taking up residence in my nose and eyes this time of year, I still LOVE fall time. I...
I like big sales and I cannot lie.    All you other mothers can't deny. When an ad comes out with an itty bitty price and Christmas gifts in your face... You go shopping! I won't judge you if you just sang that in...
ATTENTION READERS: Iowa City Moms Blog is looking for a few guest bloggers, and we want to hear from YOU!! Do you have special knowledge about a certain topic you think would be of interest to other readers? Or...
I see you there, Mama. It’s been a rough day, hasn’t it? I know because, as I’m writing this, I’m right there with you. Maybe you’re struggling to shower and change out of your pajamas, with a sink full of dishes...
Before having kids, I loved to go shopping. I could easily spend three or four hours at the mall. Not really buying much. Just browsing around. This is my favorite time of the year when the stores are stocked...
November has many things to be thankful for (gobble, gobble), but it is also National Adoption Awareness Month. An entire month dedicated to raising awareness for the mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents and others who choose to love their...
"They're so cute! Are they adopted?" "What IS he? Is he half-black and half white, or half-black and half Asian? If he's half-black and half-Asian, you're lucky because half-black/half Asian kids are the most BEAUTIFUL! I really wish I had...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!