I am beyond lucky. I haven’t won the lottery, but I do feel like I hit the jackpot.   The jackpot of friendship that is. Most women have a circle of friends that they can turn to when they need advice,...
First, let me start out by saying that I love my daughter more than anything. She is never neglected or knowingly put in harm’s way because of my actions. In fact, on a spoiled scale, she’s probably closer to...
I've always loved back-to-school time.  The falling leaves, the cool breeze, the school supplies (I'll admit I have an obsession with new pens and paper...).  I've always been a bit of a school-nerd, and the thought of packing up...
I’d be willing to bet that while you’re reading this your cell phone is within 10 feet of you. It’s likely within arms reach and possibly in your hand at this very moment. It’s a good bet, the odds are...
I turned 30 this month. 3-0. I am no longer a twenty-something. Society dictates that I should probably feel apprehensive about this, but I don’t. I love it!   When I was seven years old, I distinctly remember wanting to be...
Now that my (not so much of a) baby girl is nearing two, she spends the better part of her days being cute, sassy, funny, and inquisitive...along with testing my limits. I know these days won't last long in...
Fall is just around the corner and that means it is almost time for some outdoor family fun. Fall is the perfect time to explore the outdoors and turn a family outing into an authentic learning opportunity. My family and...
It’s 9:30 p.m. My kids are finally dreaming in their my bed and my eyes are quickly closing on the couch (sorry babe). My major accomplishment today is that they’ve all been fed and nobody had to make a...
You hear people say, "My husband saved me." Or "my wife saved me."  People usually mean it figuratively.  I've said this many times about Chris over the past 8 years but in the wee hours of Saturday, July 12th,...

Beyond The Baby Blues

I've always been a worrier. In fact, my worrywart tendencies are something of a joke in our family. My ability to predict what could go wrong in any situation has earned me various nicknames: "Eeyore," "Debbie Downer," and my personal...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!