I am a Christmas geek. I’m one of “those people” whom most roll their eyes at. I’m the type that switches over to holiday radio and decorates her tree the second Thanksgiving is passed. Some years I’ve put the...
You know when you log onto Pinterest and see all of those amazing bento box lunches and you roll your eyes thinking ‘Who in the world is spending so much time making a lunch that their kids have less...
In the Fall of 2011, we took a leap of faith, packed up our belongings, and moved our family of 5 to the sweet little town of Kalona to set up roots. Having previously lived in and around the...
It is early Monday morning. My alarm has just gone off again after hitting snooze three times. I tell myself, “It’s OK. I can stay in bed a few more minutes. I showered last night, by bed head isn’t...

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater!

Alright, maybe that title should more accurately read: Tara, Tara, Pumpkin Eater! But alas, that just doesn’t rhyme and I’m a tad OCD, okay?! Tangent – why are old nursery rhymes so creepy? Seriously, have you ever REALLY listened...
We mamas tend to feel anxious about things related to our children’s education, believing that we must enrich and enroll and engage our children’s lives from the time they are born. We sign them up for classes, haul them...
As a crafty mom, I can’t always carve out big or ongoing chunks of time to work on a creative project. That’s just a fact of where I am in life right now with other obligations. I do, however,...
During a week's summer vacation at the beach, I saw many ads for wine glass painting classes and I thought, "This is something I could definitely do myself, no $30 class fee required." And so could you! I created...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!