Ahh, the aroma of succulent flowers filling the steamy bathroom. Warm, foamy, shampoo suds slipping through your fingers in a smooth lather.  The soft silkiness of your locks as you rinse out the set-in conditioner. It has been more than...

Buried Treasure

Nope, today's post is NOT about pirates!  We are pleased to welcome our wonderful, gardening-mama guest blogger Megan, who is sharing a simple little activity you could do with your children now, to see the beautiful results later!  Your...
We mamas tend to feel anxious about things related to our children’s education, believing that we must enrich and enroll and engage our children’s lives from the time they are born. We sign them up for classes, haul them...

Grow It: Freeze It

The delicious summer bounty is beginning to arrive. Whether you grow it in your garden or gather it at the Farmer’s Market, summer produce is rolling in and I hope it is rolling in your door! I love how meal...
It’s helpful to know how your stuff can find new life - and stay out of the landfill - through donation or consignment. Read on for Iowa City area donation and consignment locations that will bring a spark of...

Oily Skin? Yes, Please!

I have battled acne since my tween years. I remember thinking that the two or three pimples on my chin at age 13 were awfully annoying, but in later years I grew to be envious of these relatively few...
Now that spring has finally (finally!) arrived, our family is eagerly awaiting the openings of the Farmers' Markets in the Iowa City area. We’re very lucky to live in an area that supports the local growers, artisans, and craftspeople...
Ready for a fall hiking adventure with kids? Want to look at fall foliage? Explore some of Iowa's natural wonders? Gaze in awe at some of Iowa's most unique and unexpected features? Get some exercise hoofing it down a...
Reducing your carbon footprint doesn’t have to be expensive or inconvenient.  With Earth Day on April 22nd let’s challenge ourselves to make meaningful changes to benefit our family, our community and our world.  It can be big or small....
“What do you want to be when you grow up, Tommy?” “A garbage man.” “Why a garbage man?” “Because you get to find a lot of neat treasures.” This is one of my favorite (stories of) conversations between my husband and his mother...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!