Raise your hand if you think parenting is hard.  Me, too.  Raise your hand if sometimes the pressure of doing really elaborate things for the holidays gets overwhelming? I see you, Sister.  Me, too.  Now raise your hand if you’re looking for ways...
Thanksgiving might look a little different for many families during our COVID year. (Please let it just be a year!). In an ordinary year, more than 50 million Americans travel more than 50 miles from home to be with...
We shouted (encouragingly) as the players ran down the pitch. (If you didn’t know, pitch is the proper name for a soccer field. One of the many things I learned this season.) Coaches were giving instructions, the kids working...
Every year when the leaves begin to change and pumpkin spice everything hits the store, I get swept up in the changing seasons and buy a jug of apple cider. I say to myself, "I'll drink mulled cider by...
I’m terrible at making magic for my kids.  Santa gets (burnt) break-and-bake cookies, a Leprechaun has never snuck into our house and turned a gallon of milk green, and the only fireworks we watch are from the neighborhood hooligans...
The air is growing crisper, mornings are cool enough for a sweatshirt, and the smell of pumpkin spice is in the air.  In many ways this year has been just as strange as the last one, but sure as...
My family and I are seasoned u-pickers. You name it and if it’s within 50 miles of Iowa City, I’ve probably picked it! I’ve rounded up u-pick orchards and pumpkin patches in the area for you and your family...
The kids are back in school, the days are getting shorter, and football season is here. Fall has arrived and with it comes autumn-themed, family-friendly events and activities! Start planning with this Guide to Fall Family Events in the...
School is here! How are you feeling? Does the thought of getting everyone out the door by a certain time already make you panic? I know this all sounds overwhelming but it can be done. Try these tips to...
Fall officially begins on September 22, but let's be honest–we've been dreaming of it for months. So grab your pumpkin spice latte and check out our 2017 Ultimate Guide to Fall in Iowa City! To make planning your fall easier,...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!