The end of summer is a rough time of year for me. It’s a shame really, because it is one of the most beautiful, joyful, exciting times of year, and therein lies the problem: I’m just not ready for...
Now that she’s older and too busy for cuddling, some of my favorite memories of my daughter as a baby revolve around the time I spent feeding her. I would carefully select the diet that would be easiest on...
This past Christmas my husband surprised me with a summer getaway to Italy for our 6th anniversary. It would be a "kid-free" vacation and the first time leaving our 9-month-old and the second time leaving our 5-year-old in the...
Cupcakes? Check. Story books? Check. Movies on the tablet? Check. Epi-Pen? Check. Bravery? Check. These were the essentials for getting ready for my daughter’s food allergy challenge this spring. She’s three now, and she’s had a severe egg allergy since she was a baby....
“Moooommmmmmmm, I’m hungry!” “Mom, there is nothing to eat!” “I have GOT to go to the store today. We have nothing to eat in this house.” “I haven’t cooked a decent meal in a week.” I would guess that at one time or...
At my house, two of my three kids have food allergies. We try to manage meals and treats with a severe egg allergy, a milk allergy, and a wheat sensitivity. There’s no doubt that when you have food allergies...

Lazy Cooking 101

My husband is the chef of the family. I’m definitely okay with that. Before meeting him, my idea of cooking was salad and Lean Cuisines. I still love a great salad, but I’ve moved away from the food that...
If your children are enrolled in the Iowa City Community School District's PK-12 Online Learning Program (the fully-online option), you can pick up free school lunches every weekday school is in session from 12-1 p.m. at select schools. Children don't...
Have you heard of Itzy Ritzy yet?  If not, I apologize for being responsible for your latest addiction, because you are guaranteed to LOVE their products!  Itzy Ritzy offers the cutest baby and toddler products around: car seat covers,...
We've all heard it: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." It's also the meal most of us skip the most, and I'm no different. I’ve always struggled with eating breakfast. I don’t like milk, I don’t like...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!