Maybe Next Year

Since my son was only a few months old I’ve fielded the common question, “So when are you going to have another one?” My answer has stayed the same. “Maybe next year,” I say with a smile. He’s now...
I have a three-year-old daughter and am expecting baby number two in December. We waited until about week eleven or twelve to tell her that she was going to be a big sister soon because we figured once she...
Our sweet baby girl entered the world four months ago. I have been getting so many questions about how she is doing, how her birth was, etc. When I tell people our birth story I always mention that we...

Baby Steps

Since connecting with my intended parents (IP's), we started speaking almost everyday.  We connected in February, and it's now June.  This should give you a pretty good idea on how slow this process can be. In April of 2013, the...
I have 3 main roles in my life: mother, wife, and scientist.  Believe it or not, my career as a researcher in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UIHC is actually a good blend of all 3 roles. I...

This is it.

This is it. Just a few short (endless) days or weeks left of my last pregnancy. These are the last baby kicks that I’ll feel from the inside, the last time I’ll wake my husband from slumber with the words,...
October 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. This year, by the grace of God, my baby boy turned 10 months on that day, and my daughter decided she wanted to have a camping party for her upcoming...
In my birth class, induction and epidural were not popular words. My husband and I attended Saturday afternoon sessions dutifully; practicing breathing techniques, learning about tearing vs episiotomies, and preparing for birth's possibilities. A natural birth experience was definitely...
I’d be willing to bet that while you’re reading this your cell phone is within 10 feet of you. It’s likely within arms reach and possibly in your hand at this very moment. It’s a good bet, the odds are...
When I was pregnant, I read all sorts of articles about coming to terms with my new, messy, journey into motherhood. Or at least, it sounded messy to someone who was a bit of a neat freak and refused...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!