These days, pregnancy is generally accepted as a beautiful thing, but that wasn't always the case. Not too many generations ago, pregnancy was largely kept under wraps. As our grandmothers carried our parents, their changing bodies were kept hidden...
I had a fairly uneventful pregnancy the first time. I loved having my one ultrasound and visiting the doctor to know exactly where the baby was positioned inside me so I could soothe it in utero. I worked up...

This is it.

This is it. Just a few short (endless) days or weeks left of my last pregnancy. These are the last baby kicks that I’ll feel from the inside, the last time I’ll wake my husband from slumber with the words,...

When Miracles Happen

It should have been my baby’s 1st birthday. But it wasn’t. There was no birthday cake, no balloons, no party. Just me, feeling sad about what could have been, what should have been. I’d lost that baby more than...
There is just something magical about a first pregnancy. You’re experiencing so many firsts and on the verge of life in a whole new world. You read all the books and spend hours upon hours daydreaming of what your...
We are in this together. It’s the phrase I’ve heard 1,000 times. It’s the phrase that supposed to sustain us, to get us through. And it does help, it really does. But it’s also true that each of us is going...
Women love pillows.  I know how dangerous it is to make broad generalizations about women on a blog for women run by women.  Nonetheless, I feel confident in the accuracy of this statement.  Our bed, when perfectly made, holds...
In my last post, I told you all how I applied to two agencies and joined an online surrogate classified site, this helped me decide in the direction of my surrogate plan.  Just like anything else in life, you...
The nursery is complete. Outfitted in the perfect theme, with pops of this year's trendiest of colors. The baby shower was pure bliss, and all of those thank-yous were placed promptly in the mailbox. Meal prep was a success...
As we grow older, our visions of the future change from careers to marriage and then family. I come from a family of four and am the younger of two girls. As the younger sibling, I always wanted my...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!