Tales from the Crib

Imagine a time when you had your best, most uninterrupted, most AMAZING night of sleep.  Nothing to wake up for, no alarm set to go off, and not a worry in the world… Can you think of a time? Has...
Meet Althea, the lovely winner of our Mommy Makeover contest!! This lucky mama won a whole new look: amazing cut and color by Michael Tschantz, owner of the Michael Tschantz Salon, and make-up by the fabulous Gina Melchiorri, Independent...

Beauty Unseen

This morning, I took a moment to bask in utmost beauty. I was driving to Iowa City as the sun was just peeking its way over the hills on the horizon of the Kalona countryside. And what a show it...


 I'd like to introduce you to the cutest, sweetest baby you'll ever meet (OK, I'm probably a little biased): Henrik Everett. Henrik made his appearance approximately four weeks ahead of schedule and caught both his daddy and I by...
At the end of yesterday's post, I asked you to remember what this blog is all about.  Connecting moms.  That's what we do, and we are loving it.  By the way... Did you ever wonder where we got started? How...

Just A Nod.

Last Friday, I dropped my son (5) off at pre-school at 9am and then headed to run a few errands with my two littler ones (3 and 1).  We went a few places, stopped home for a bit (where they...
School started a few weeks ago, and for two weeks before it started your child had daily stomachaches.  She was tearful and upset every day and looked to you to help her.  You took her to the pediatrician and...

Dear Dinnertime: I Hate You.

From the moment I wake up in the morning I dread it - the inevitable “what’s for dinner?” question. It haunts me at work, during pick-up and the moment I open the garage door, because the little people and...
As you may remember from some of my other posts, my husband and I had our first “real” garden this growing season.  While it is dwindling in terms of what plants are still producing, we have a plethora of...
Dear Baby Boy of Mine, You’re almost 9 months old now, and this is the first letter I’ve written to you since before you were born. Your big sister had a whole book of letters from me by this point...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!