Fall has arrived, and if you’re a mom in the Iowa City area you have likely either visited the apple orchard or you’re making plans to visit soon. Every year we go and I think about what new apple...
I recently developed an allergy to wheat, and as someone who loves to bake and eat all the delicious carbs, it's been driving me a little bit crazy. I've been on a mission to convert some of my favorite...

Grow It: Freeze It

The delicious summer bounty is beginning to arrive. Whether you grow it in your garden or gather it at the Farmer’s Market, summer produce is rolling in and I hope it is rolling in your door! I love how meal...
It’s that time of the year. The twinkle and promises of the holiday season are fading away, leaving us with broken resolutions and frozen noses. There’s a reason January is both hot tea month and national soup month–after the...
We all want to help our children develop good eating habits. However, let me be honest by saying my sweet tooth is HUGE and my willpower is teeny-tiny. Can you relate? My main weaknesses are pop and ice cream....
As moms, the word “busy” really is not enough to describe our usual schedule. One of the recurring items on our to-do list is to feed our families. Every darn day these people want to eat! Some days it’s...
As you may remember from some of my other posts, my husband and I had our first “real” garden this growing season.  While it is dwindling in terms of what plants are still producing, we have a plethora of...
We all know Iowa sweet corn is the BEST sweet corn! Since you can only get it for a couple of weeks each year, knowing how to freeze it is the best way to make sure you can get...
It's back to school for Iowa City kiddos! Iowa City public elementary schools start before 8:00 a.m., meaning less time to get up and at 'em. If you're like me, you need a few quick ways to make the...
My oldest child celebrated his 15th birthday a few weeks ago. As your kids get older, birthday celebrations evolve with each passing year. For instance, the piles of brightly wrapped packages give way to the “one big gift.” Frantic...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!