When Mommy Isn’t Mommy

When the doctor hands you that baby, or you sign those adoption papers, or even when you see the two pink lines on the stick, you are forever changed.  You've been a daughter, a granddaughter, a cousin, a friend,...

Mommy, r u distracted?

Remember the commercials, my 80s generation moms? You know, the anti-drug campaign? The now classic, “This is your brain on drugs” fried egg. Or, my favorite: The furious dad walking in on the teenage boy, drug paraphernalia in hand,...
Last spring, I traveled for a week in Vietnam with my young family.  Around four o’clock in the afternoon, the intense equatorial heat finally loosened its grip over Ho Chi Minh City.  We threaded our way through the congested...
When my husband and I were seniors in high school, he took me down to Texas to meet his family.  It only took about two days for me to fall in love with all of them, and to feel at...

Flying High in the Sky

So my husband and I recently had the pleasure of traveling, by plane, with our two-and-a-half-year-old toddler. I should mention, too, that she has never flown before. Oh yeah, and she’s potty training. During the months leading up to this...

My Message to Single Parents

I have decided to take a brief hiatus from my "speech and language development" posts to write about something that I have been thinking about again and again in recent weeks. What is this new topic you may ask?...

Are We There Yet?

As I write this post, I’m sitting in a vacation home on Cape Cod. I can see, hear and smell the ocean through the open windows. It’s been an amazing week, and as much as I love my life...
The words “Spring Break” bring to mind images of sandy beaches, poolside drinks, and palm trees. Spending a week in paradise does sound appealing, especially after the heavy weight of winter and the dreaded “polar vortex.” For some families,...
Last week marked the first of a spring filled with work-related travel. My destinations include Washington, D.C., Chicago, San Diego, and…get jealous…Indianapolis. Each destination is exciting for different reasons—great sights, an escape to sunshine in February, and presenting exciting...
This past week we, along with my sister, her husband, their 3 kids, and my parents; took a vacation to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.  I’m happy to say the crying was minimal, the smiles were plentiful, and...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!