Are you worried your child isn’t ready for school? After a long summer you AND your child have to get into the school groove. Starting Preschool or Kindergarten for the first time should be a fun and new adventure! Here...
I love resumes. Long before I actually worked at a career center, I would enthusiastically volunteer to review and edit my friends’ resumes. I’ve always found the process somewhat comforting. I get to humor my love of consistent formatting...
I pride myself on being a mediocre parent. Maybe it’s my age. I had my daughter when I was of advanced maternal age. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m a grumpy old Gen X mom, while most of my...
I recently had surgery on my ankle.  The weeks following were definitely an adjustment for my family of four that includes a toddler and a baby. Here are my tips to help manage the time while mom is laid...
Out of everything that I worried about as I became a new mom, sleep truly wasn’t something I worried about. That was one thing I thought I knew how to do. Though I am a first-time mom, I am not...
You started with board books when your children were infants, and have graduated to longer picture books now that your child is older. If your child is three or four, it might be time to start a bedtime ritual...
Toddlers...too young for group swim lessons (bless their hearts), but old enough to be curious about the water. That tricky combination could make any parent feel as though they're in aquatic limbo. Luckily there are easy moves you can...
We are truly lucky to have a world-renowned multidisciplinary performing arts presenter just a hop and a skip from our homes. Hancher is the cultural hub of the University of Iowa campus and a beloved part of the Iowa...
I am not a hoarder. I am also not a hoarder who’s in denial. My husband and I try to be very strategic about what we bring into our home, and I am one of those people who has...
As moms, we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. We manage the household, our kids' activities, and run all the errands. We balance work and home life, buy groceries, make sure there’s toilet paper, everyone has...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!