In small, quiet corners of my home lie abandoned hobbies, waiting in a suspended state of "you never know." In a kitchen cabinet, a stash of yarn remains from the crochet adventure of 2018 (not to be confused with...
As the weeks go by amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, certain things start to feel normal. We adjust to the small, everyday things like wearing a mask to the grocery store or setting up our kids' Zoom links for teacher...
This year has been filled with so much uncertainty. As the holiday season is upon us, many are faced with the hard decision to simply say no to family gatherings as we attempt to keep ourselves and our loved...
Beginning March 8, 2021, in Iowa, vaccine providers started providing the COVID-19 vaccine to individuals under age 65 with certain underlying health conditions. (Check the CDC's list to see if you qualify.) Many more of us are now eligible,...
Do you have an Advent calendar? Twenty-five little boxes of prizes: candy, wine, socks, Legos, or all other manners of toys and trinkets? These calendars have gained all kinds of popularity over the past years. My kids have had...
In every relationship, there is a Sweeper and a Sorter. When tidying, the Sweeper relocates items from one visible location to one less-visible location. That's my husband. He's an efficient and quick cleaner. The counters will be clear; just...
My brother sent me a text today with a photograph from a pharmacy in Minneapolis. He said that several stores resemble the empty shelves seen in this image all over the city. I had to laugh because I am...
  We’re five months into the COVID-19 pandemic and there are no signs of it going away any time soon. (Related: wear your masks, please! It’s a simple, scientifically supported solution for slowing the spread). One of the things that has...
The contractions started around 6 a.m. and my son was born at 8:08 a.m. My ten pound baby boy burst into the world without giving my body time to adjust. And that is how he has lived every day...
I didn't have strong feelings one way or the other about my high school reunion. I'm not super into bars or mingling. Thanks to social media, I also felt relatively up to date on classmates' lives, or at least...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!