I've always been the type of person that likes to over-prepare so that I’m able to go with the flow down the road. It worked well for me in school, it works well for me in my career and...

Nurse on, Mama

When my son was born, one of the things that I was sure about was that I wanted to breastfeed. I wasn't sure how long, and I wasn't sure how the relationship would look, but I knew it was...
Baby Books are all fine and good. It’s cool to have a record of when each of your baby’s teeth erupted, I guess. It’s helpful to have written documentation of the first years of your kid’s life, because the...
I fancy myself as being pretty “green.”  We recycle all we can, just ordered a compost bin, and try to buy local when we can. When I found out I was pregnant I researched all of the chlorine free,...
Before kids, diaper changes scared me the most about parenthood. (We can all pause and laugh at a younger me!) I had a weak stomach and dry-heaved when changing litter…how was I going to deal with lots of diapers? Over...
My husband and I always knew we would have kids. We were looking forward to having several. He comes from a family of four children and has always said that’s the magic number. I am an only child and...
“You have been pushing for over three hours.  We cannot get this baby out. I think we need to do a C-section.” These are words I always dreaded hearing. It felt like I had been punched in the gut....
And that was the opening line to our invites.  Thrown a Star Wars baby shower, have we. Yes, hmmm. (in Yoda-speak) In a galaxy NOT so far away, my awesome brother-in-law and his beautifully pregnant wife are getting ready to welcome...
Dear Adrienne, Thanksgiving to me is almost as big of a milestone as your upcoming first birthday. It’s the beginning of your birth story. It’s also the beginning of when I thought I might lose you. This is why I...
Have you heard of Itzy Ritzy yet?  If not, I apologize for being responsible for your latest addiction, because you are guaranteed to LOVE their products!  Itzy Ritzy offers the cutest baby and toddler products around: car seat covers,...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!