What’s the darkest most depressing word you can think of? For me, the answer is the word infertility. Yup, that’s it. Not a word that is morbid or horrific. Just a normal, everyday medical term that caused me some...
Last week, we hosted our first ICMB Sip+Style moms' night out. ICMB will begin offering these more regularly, so stay tuned! While each of our upcoming Sip+Style events will be unique, they will all offer delicious food, great drinks,...
I love Facebook. I can keep up with high school friends, college friends, and message board friends all over the world. Chances are you clicked this link from Facebook, as well. It’s a good way to connect with others. But it...
It’s that time of the year when Facebook news feeds are flooded with ’30 Days of Thanks’ countdowns, people announcing their RAKs (Random Acts of Kindness), and viral stories of strangers making a difference in the lives of others....
Raise your hand if you have ever felt like you don’t belong or aren’t good enough. Yup, that’s what I thought. There are a lot of hands up in the air.  I have spent a good portion of my...
We've all heard about so-called "mommy wars," in which mothers argue over the choices they've made, their parenting practices, and deeply held beliefs. Supposedly, moms cling so tightly to their choices and beliefs that they alienate and criticize other...
I remember pulling into the Coral Ridge Mall parking lot early. Like an hour early. I didn't want to be *gasp* late, and I wanted to give my 11-month-old son time to snooze in the back so that he...

Not-So-Random Acts of Kindness

I've been reading a lot of heart-warming stories on the internet lately, about these amazing people who anonymously pay off someone's student loans, or pick up the check for an unsuspecting veteran at a restaurant, or pay extra at...
Recently, I have returned to the work force after being a SAHM for nearly two years. Since moving to the Corridor area at seven and a half months pregnant and giving birth, I have had a couple of part...
Recently, my husband and I were traveling on a vacation without our kids.  As we spent time in airports, I saw many moms with kids. I saw the stress on the faces of moms rushing through the airport trying...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!