Updated April 12, 2023 If you're moving to or building a new home, or if you're just thinking of ways to make your life in your current house easier, consider the possibilities of a "smart home". Local Iowa City area...
Spring is here. And the attic noises have returned. Our family is fortunate that we moved into our own home nearly two years ago. Before then, we took full advantage of being able to report any and all issues to...
It’s that time of year–buying season for homes! During my time of searching, there was a common theme: new construction homes. There were few older homes scattered among the listings. If an older home was on the market, it...
I love to decorate for holidays. However, I’m a total procrastinator. I don’t get decorations up until right before the holiday, and then they stick around far too long. How long is ‘too long’? Well, as I’m preparing for...
Whether you typically celebrate Thanksgiving at your home or visit family and friends, it's no secret that hosting Thanksgiving dinner can be a stressful undertaking. Attempting to clean (and maintain) a house with children, prepping food, and worrying about...
When my husband and I found out we were pregnant with kiddo number 1, I was still a mere child myself at only 18 years old. We had a U-Haul packed and were planning to move to a new...
Three years ago, I made the first New Year's resolution I’ve ever kept. Essentially, I challenged myself to create something new every day. These didn’t need to be tangible items. Sometimes it was art. Often it was in the...
Organizing and planning come naturally to me. I use these skills to our advantage and have developed a foolproof meal planning strategy that has been working so incredibly well for our family. Even if you are not a type...
It's April, and I've been told spring is coming. I've spent the entire 31 years of my life residing in Iowa and every year, without fail, spring really does come, and I'm sure it will this year... eventually. It...
Flashback: Two years ago, I was working full-time and my almost 2 year old was in full-time daycare. Our daycare provider (who we loved) was going to be taking her maternity leave and I was struggling to find someone...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!