Being a mom is sometimes a very thankless job. Sure we get Thank Yous when we ask for them: “Here is your sippy cup-- say thank you.” Sometimes I wonder how much my children even realize how much I...

For the Love of Boys

I remember the day vividly. Butterflies swarmed in my swollen belly as the ultrasound tech studied the monitor above us. All three of us (me, the hubs, and Edison) watched the little baby squiggle and wiggle inside me. “Do you...
I never imagined that my first birth story would have landed me in a surgical room when I had my daughter, Anora Lynne. She had been breech for much of the 2nd half of the pregnancy, and for whatever...


October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Until recently I’ve been telling people that I lost a son. I don’t say it much, mind you, because it is not something that easily comes up in conversation. However, when the...
It seems a little superficial and silly, but I always used to get a little anxious when I took my daughters to the pediatrician. I guess I felt it was the most concrete way to gauge my mothering abilities....
This past week we, along with my sister, her husband, their 3 kids, and my parents; took a vacation to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.  I’m happy to say the crying was minimal, the smiles were plentiful, and...
It's officially Fall! I don't know about you, but nothing says Fall to me like heading to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch with my family to pick my own produce and enjoy some yummy treats!  Whether you prefer...
This might be my last “magical” Christmas. What I mean is, my daughter is 8. She believes in the magic. The glorious, maddening, exhausting magic of Santa and reindeers and that annoying little “Elf on the Shelf.” She has the...
Recently I met my high school girlfriends for a weekend trip to Galena, Illinois. We had not been in a room together for over 25 years. As is the case with many people in their mid 40’s, we reconnected via...

Take a Puzzle Day

When I was a kid, there was a guy at our church named Poggy.  Yes, Poggy.  He was quite the character.  I will never forget one day after church he was talking to my mom, and he started telling...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!