Ever had a bedtime battle? Yeah, me too. It happened ALL the time at our house. And it made me crazy. One night, my son said he wanted to pick his own bedtime and followed up with this: “I just...
SAHM, working moms, free-range moms, helicopter moms, granola moms, soccer moms… Society seems to be obsessed with using a few of our identifying characteristics to label us as a specific type of parent and individual, despite the fact that it...

Speak Life.

I recently read a blog post that really resonated with me on one of our Sister Sites.  Simplified, the message of it was to be careful of the way you speak to and about your children...because your words become...
When my son was a newborn, I found it almost impossible to “sleep when the baby sleeps.” I tried sometimes. When he was four months old, I took a very early morning job so we could avoid daycare. I...
People warned me about this. They told me not to do it but I thought I knew better and paid no heed. I watched my little 5-year-old daughter walk into Kindergarten and then did the thing I regret the...
I have two jobs. One job requires 24-7 dedication. So when I’m not physically doing this work, I’m on-call, and I am certainly always mentally and emotionally connected. This job pays me in love–slobbery kisses, giggles, and cuddles. Being...
When I had my first child, I remember holding her on my chest while the doctor stitched me up (thank you, oh blessed epidural) and told me, “You are officially no longer pregnant.” I suppose there are a number...
As far as school moms go, I'm definitely a rookie.  My oldest is in Kindergarten, my middle is in pre-school, and my youngest is at home with me all day.  However, I must admit: I am afraid of summer...
I’ll be the first to admit I hated the newborn phase of my daughter’s life. As a first time mom I had no clue what to expect after nine months of preparing for her arrival. I focused on reading...

Maybe Next Year

Since my son was only a few months old I’ve fielded the common question, “So when are you going to have another one?” My answer has stayed the same. “Maybe next year,” I say with a smile. He’s now...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!