I have had so many different changes while pregnant. Acne has been the number one thing to attack me. YES, attack! It all came out of nowhere and has been a hassle to take care of. Why is it...
Ahh, pregnancy. Such a magical, mystical, amazing time, right? Well, yes…and also a very emphatic NO. Some lucky women seem to channel Angelina Jolie and become life-giving, earth-mother goddesses, proclaiming their undying love for being pregnant. These are probably...
It has been seven months since the birth of our second daughter. In that time, I have learned a lot about my own motherhood journey. Everyday is filled with its ups and downs and typically ends with poop. Mounds and mounds of...
I'll be the first to say it: planning a pregnancy is not easy.  Our journey of “planning to plan” started three years ago, when I was 22 and my then fiancé, now husband, was 26.  The medicine that I...

Baby Steps

Since connecting with my intended parents (IP's), we started speaking almost everyday.  We connected in February, and it's now June.  This should give you a pretty good idea on how slow this process can be. In April of 2013, the...
Raise your hand if you are a planner.  I am sure a lot of us would raise our hands and admit that in some way shape or form, having a plan in place brings us comfort.  What happens when...
Good afternoon Iowa City moms! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Robin Boudreau…and I too am an Iowa City Mom.  In addition to being a medical sales rep for Medtronic and a hobby photographer, I am...
Flash back six months and you’ll see me scrambling in a totally Type-A attempt to prepare for the arrival of my first baby. My preparation included A LOT of pinning, reading and shopping. For me, nesting included an embarrassing...
When I was pregnant with my son, I was committed to breastfeeding exclusively.  I went to classes, read all the books and blogs, talked with other moms who successfully breastfed, and asked for their advice.  I joined online breastfeeding...
Have you ever been in a club? Usually you know something about the club…what it’s all about, its goals, the activities, the responsibilities, maybe even some members or officers. You would never join a club on the spur of...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!