Born Sleeping

Shortly before my 38th birthday, we discovered I was pregnant. This would be my fourth pregnancy and the journey up until this point was long and difficult, struggling with years of infertility and loss. My first pregnancy ended in...
It’s morning, and after I get my daughter squared away with her breakfast, I sit down with my own bowl of cereal and pull up the day’s calendar. There it is, taunting me with those big upper case letters (why...
Recently I was discussing supper plans with a friend, and I told her that I had prepped a hamburger hot dish this morning and had it ready to put into the oven when I got home. She looked at...

To Switch or Not to Switch?

Unless you've been living under a rock without Pinterest, you've seen the "Switch Witch" and other suggested fun ways to get rid of your child's Halloween candy after trick-or-treating. The idea is that kids do not need all that...
Being a mom is never easy, no matter how you do it. Staying home, working from home, or working outside the home – they’re all hard and wonderful in different ways. As I’ve adjusted to being a working mother...

My Christmas Tree Was Hijacked

Babies look so sweet and innocent with their chubby cheeks, perfect skin, adorable little fingers and toes. We are so love struck. We bring them home and let them take over what used to be the office or guest...
Warm weather is finally here, and kids all over the corridor are breaking out their bikes for some summer fun! Biking is a great outdoor activity for the whole family, but it comes with risks that are often overlooked....

Back To School CHAOS.

In keeping with the b-t-s (back to school) theme, I thought I’d share with you readers the joy (i.e. woes) of preparing our family for this up-coming school year. Well, in all honesty, I just need to rant. Late last...
Between household items, grocery shopping, and kid stuff, it seems like I buy at least one thing every day. Most of it is essential day-in-day-out stuff that I typically purchase without really thinking about it. Although, every once-in-a-while I...
The ants go marching one by one... I hate insects. I really do. I can be ever-so-slightly dramatic when I spot them inside my home. So when everyone begins to bask in the glow of sunshine and warm temperatures, I...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!