Maybe We Can Have It All?

“You can’t have it all.” How many times have we heard or read that statement? I know I personally see it a lot. It’s wise, honest, and something to take to heart. It’s a necessary truth for maintaining balance between all of...

My Closet, Myself

I love taking my daughter shopping for school clothes. She is, as they say, growing like a weed, so we always do an inventory first. We try on last year's jeans to see if they've hit high-water status, and...

Mama’s Journey for Balance

I talk a lot.  In almost all of my school report cards there were comments about how much better I could do academically if I spent less time talking to my peers.  I can drive for hours with no radio and...
It took some time – healing and trying – to get pregnant again after we lost our first baby to miscarriage, but we are very lucky that it happened for us naturally. The second time around has been pretty...
Last year, in Confessions of Iowa City Moms, we shared some of our deepest, darkest secrets. OK, maybe not our deepest, darkest secrets. But, definitely things we have a little bit of "Mommy Guilt" about. As I’m sure you...
I have seen post after post on Facebook lately about finding a babysitter. Having done a ton of babysitting myself, using babysitters in the Iowa City/Coralville area, and now having a daughter who is babysitting for our family and...

Go-To Fall Crock-Pot Recipes

I can’t believe it’s already September! School has started up again, the apple orchards are in full swing, and the Packers are playing. (Go, Pack, Go!) All those things combined can mean only one thing — fall is here! Every year,...
I scheduled my 20-week ultrasound for May 23, 2014, because it was my birthday. That morning, we found out that “Baby Marshall” would be a perfectly healthy little one–what a relief and a great birthday present! The technician wrote...
Autumn is just around the corner and there are plenty of things to look forward to. I personally love to spend the cool fall days baking or making soups and chili. I will look for reasons to get together...
I've gotten into canning and food preservation in the past few years.  As a child I remember my mother's gigantic garden, with rows upon rows of vegetables.  She canned green beans, corn, carrots, tomatoes, peaches, pears, applesauce, jams and...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!