I'll be the first to say it: planning a pregnancy is not easy.  Our journey of “planning to plan” started three years ago, when I was 22 and my then fiancé, now husband, was 26.  The medicine that I...
I’ll be the first to say that this pregnancy has been a smooth ride, but the shift into third trimester has been a bit of a game changer for me. I was nonchalantly coasting through the weeks, counting my...
As we grow older, our visions of the future change from careers to marriage and then family. I come from a family of four and am the younger of two girls. As the younger sibling, I always wanted my...
I know a lot about the baby growing in my belly, but not the gender. I know he (or she) was fertilized on September 7, 2011 at around 8:40am. The embryo was placed in cold storage a few hours...
Soon, I will have four kids ages almost five and under. Considering we are ending with a surprise 4th (from twins!) and the fact that I have progressively more complicated pregnancies, this seems like a wonderful stopping point for...
You know those perfect moments that are special at the time but they become even more precious because of what happens next? I experienced this earlier this pregnancy. At around 15 weeks, my husband’s hand lay on my small but growing...
When I first found out I would be a contributor for Iowa City Moms Blog, I knew I wanted to write about our struggle with infertility at some point. It’s something that has made a big impact on both...
The nursery is complete. Outfitted in the perfect theme, with pops of this year's trendiest of colors. The baby shower was pure bliss, and all of those thank-yous were placed promptly in the mailbox. Meal prep was a success...
I became a mother at 4 a.m., shaking in the bathroom, bare feet cold on the tile, as I read one word instead of two. I became a mother at Walmart, picking out two tiny onesies, pink and blue, for...
I had a fairly uneventful pregnancy the first time. I loved having my one ultrasound and visiting the doctor to know exactly where the baby was positioned inside me so I could soothe it in utero. I worked up...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!