'Tis the season when parents and everyone else with beloved children in their lives are casting about for holiday gift ideas that will be enjoyed and treasured throughout the year. Books make great gifts, but how to know what...
Updated March 14, 2021 Are you looking to channel your inner Marie Kondo? Take a quick look in your dresser: if your clothes are neatly folded and filed upright, you already know the answer. For whatever reason you are de-cluttering,...
Grocery shopping. Some of us hate it, some of us can take it or leave it, and some of us secretly enjoy it. I’m one of those that doesn’t really mind the act of grocery shopping. What I dislike the most...
Soon enough, the cold will be clearing and spring will finally be (hopefully) here to stay! After a long, cold, snowy winter I know I’m excited for some sunnier days. I’m also eager for the spring markets and craft...
With the holidays coming up it's time to shop for gifts! I love shopping for the kids in my family, but you know what I don't love? Buying another junky toy that will end up in the landfill. So what...
Small Business Saturday is held the Saturday after Thanksgiving to help promote the importance of shopping local during this holidays. This year, it falls on Saturday, Nov. 27. Of course, there are many ways to participate and support local...
It has been quite some time now since we registered for our little bundle of joy, but oh, I can remember it like yesterday. We were excited and disorganized. We were living long distance at the time. Dale had...
Between household items, grocery shopping, and kid stuff, it seems like I buy at least one thing every day. Most of it is essential day-in-day-out stuff that I typically purchase without really thinking about it. Although, every once-in-a-while I...
I have one kid who is almost done with college, and another who is about to start, so it’s time for the fun activity of dorm room shopping. It’s sort of like decorating the nursery, except the person who...
It’s helpful to know how your stuff can find new life - and stay out of the landfill - through donation or consignment. Read on for Iowa City area donation and consignment locations that will bring a spark of...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!