My husband, Collin, and I are international travelers. As educators we make a point of experiencing the cultures of as many countries as we can; we do this for our own enjoyment, but on more than one occasion we...
Like a lot of my friends, I am a mom whose work requires a significant amount of travel. Client meetings, conferences, staff meetings at headquarters, or coordinating events out of town, working moms rack up the miles away from...
In a matter of a few days, we will be embarking on the longest road trip we have taken together as a family.  A 15 hour road trip, to be exact, with our 5-year-old daughter.  Yes, I am pretty...
Even though Henrik is only five months old, he’s got three hotel stays and an overnight stay at Grandma and Grandpa’s under his belt. As we were packing for our most recent trip, I looked at my husband and...
We are in the midst of record-setting frigid temps.  All I want to do is pile on some layers and crawl under a blanket.  When the time comes that I have to go outside, a coat, mittens, scarf, and...
If you’re lucky, you get to plan. You pick an ideal time, you hope for the best, and oh, happy day, it works! You’re going on a Disney vacation with your family! You tell your children. They jump up and...
Last week marked the first of a spring filled with work-related travel. My destinations include Washington, D.C., Chicago, San Diego, and…get jealous…Indianapolis. Each destination is exciting for different reasons—great sights, an escape to sunshine in February, and presenting exciting...

My Secret Crush

For the past month we have spent almost every day together. Some of those days we spent too many hours to count together. You were there for me. You were dependable and strong. You protected my children and gave...
The words “Spring Break” bring to mind images of sandy beaches, poolside drinks, and palm trees. Spending a week in paradise does sound appealing, especially after the heavy weight of winter and the dreaded “polar vortex.” For some families,...

Mama’s Journey for Balance

I talk a lot.  In almost all of my school report cards there were comments about how much better I could do academically if I spent less time talking to my peers.  I can drive for hours with no radio and...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!