One of the best things about having mom-friends (or just women friends in general) is the fact that they actually care when you start talking about your favorite moisturizer, or you complain about how you need to find a...
Raise your hand if you have ever felt like you don’t belong or aren’t good enough. Yup, that’s what I thought. There are a lot of hands up in the air.  I have spent a good portion of my...
Just like everyone, I have good days and bad days during quarantine. One night in particular, I found myself sitting on our couch crying while my hubby put the kids to bed. It was sadness mixed with anger. This isn’t...
“Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.” You may remember that song from your childhood. I know I do. I often think back over my life and people who have crossed my...
Six years ago my family set out on a journey, a medical journey. You see, my husband was about to start medical school in a little town I had never heard of 2,000 miles away from our families,...
Being a friend to someone going through a difficult time can be tricky. Nobody wants to be that person who brings up a heavy topic on an otherwise “good” day, but we also all want to be the type...
We all remember the good ol' high school days.  Filled with football games, chemistry tests, and mean girls.  Chances are you were probably on the receiving end of the backbiting, snickering, and teasing.  Chances are you probably dished some...

“Who Is the Real Mom?”

It Wasn't The First Time It's one of those perfect days. Both of the boys are well-behaved as we weave through the aisles of the grocery store, collecting buns and hotdogs for our neighborhood picnic. The gathering is in two hours...
This past spring I had three different opportunities to see women with whom I’ve been friends for more than twenty years. The first was a chance to reconnect with one of my closest friends and colleagues, when our professional...
Several months ago, I shared the story of my experience with bullies and ways to combat bullying behavior.  With a new school year underway, there is no time like the present to talk to your kids about bullies and bully...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!