The new year has come and everyone is rocking their new beginnings, but personally I am struggling. The new year is suppose to be happy, but that is not how I'm feeling. It could not have come at a...
Should I buy organic? Does it matter? Is it worth the extra cost? If I can't afford to buy everything organic, how do I choose which foods to splurge on and which ones to save on? The Environmental Working Group creates...
“If you eat your vegetables, you can have ice cream for dessert.” ”You have to take five more bites before you’re allowed to leave the table.” “You just finished an entire meal! How can you possibly be hungry?” “I’m so proud of you for...
Since 1924, the American Heart Association has highlighted February as American Heart Month. In 1964, Lyndon B. Johnson was the first president to issue a proclamation declaring American Heart Month. February is both Heart Health Awareness Month and Congenital...
Earlier this month I turned 37 years old.  I know, it's not polite for a lady to reveal her age, but hey, whoever said that I was a proper lady? My birthday has prompted me to do some hard thinking...
We all want to help our children develop good eating habits. However, let me be honest by saying my sweet tooth is HUGE and my willpower is teeny-tiny. Can you relate? My main weaknesses are pop and ice cream....
A huge THANK YOU to all of you who came out today to run or walk in Blogger Dash in support of the University of Iowa Children's Hospital!! We had a terrific time and hope you did too!! Congratulations...
With warmer weather making it’s way back to the midwest this spring, many are looking forward to spending more time outside. As a runner, this time of year usually involves enjoying more running (and walking) outdoors, and maybe even...
I consider myself a casual yogi — that is I've been doing yoga off and on for the last thirteen years or so. Sometimes, I've managed a pretty regular practice, other times I've done yoga whenever the mood strikes. Thanks...
My most important job is being a mother to my two beautiful boys.  However,  I'm also a pediatric physical therapist, which means (as my mom puts it) I get paid to play with kids all day. The setting where...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!