There is indescribable magic in the power of vulnerability and conversation. So why does the topic of mental health feel like a four letter word that requires a bar of soap to the mouth? Why can we so effortlessly...
It seemed entirely silly. That’s how I felt as I checked the box and paid the fee to reserve our spaces for a four-week mommy-and-me yoga session at our community recreation center. Yoga, to me, is supposed to be a...
As a mom, do you ever just sit back and marvel at the power of your body?  Think about it: for nine months your body nurtured, fed, and grew a baby. Then, after all of that, it birthed a...
As I explained in the first part of this Whole30 series, the Whole30 is a “reset,” not a diet. You eliminate commonly problematic foods from your diet for 30 days, then reintroduce them for ten days to identify any...
Spring has sprung! I don't know about you, but about this time of year I have about had it with comfort food and crock-pots. I'm ready for fresh, grilled, get-on-the-table-so-we-can-head-outside-again meals. Every season I like to shake the dust...
What is Whole30?  The Whole30 is a "reset", not a diet. It's a 30 day program designed to reduce your cravings while improving your metabolism, digestion, and overall health. It's not about weight loss: there's no calorie counting, targeting grams,...
I have been working with infants for 25 years. I love babies! With four of my own, let me tell you–none of them have been the same. Not a single baby has been exactly the same! However, I have...
I'm so mad I could spit. (Don't tell my kids I said that.) This is not the post I wanted to write. One of my students–at 13 years old–just died of pediatric cancer. (I don't remember the long scary name of...
I am almost 36 years old, which means I should know by now that when I swear I will not do something, it almost certainly means I will indeed do that very thing! Up until my mid 20s, I...
Some lessons have to be learned the hard way. Our 15-month old daughter has been battling illness basically bi-weekly since her first birthday in late October. We both work full-time, so she spends her Monday through Friday daytime hours at a...



Meet the Experts: 2024 Bloom Expert Panel

Plans are well underway for our 11th annual Bloom: Mini Conference for Moms, and as always we are so excited for this event!  This...

Summer Camp Guide 2024

Let’s Take A Break!